Let's Build Decentralization Apps Using Best Practices

DApps are apps that interact with functions made in smart contracts. Those who create smart contracts and build dApps are Web3 developers. We are here to transform you from a Web2 developer to a Web3 developer.

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Hero image which has the logo of Bitcoin, Binance, Ethereum, Solidity, and React.js

Diet for Begineers

Logo of Remix IDE which wears headphone. Its head is dashed circle at top and V-shape at down, and its body is like head of the arrow

Remix - Ethereum IDE

It is a browser based IDE, and handy way to code smart contract using Solidity. We will code, compile, deploy, and test our smart contract in Remix IDE.

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Logo of Remix IDE which wears headphone. Its head is dashed circle at top and V-shape at down, and its body is like head of the arrow Plus sign Logo of ethers.js library which looks like distorted cloud

Remix + Frontend

After learning about Solidity using Remix IDE, we'll connect it with frontend. We'll use Ethers.js library and code at vanilla JavaScript.

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Logo of Hardhat which have hat and logo of Ethereum in it


In this article, we will setup the hardhat coding environment, then we'll do solidity coding to read and write data in blockchain.

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Logo of Hardhat which have hat and logo of Ethereum in it Plus sign Logo of ethers.js library which looks like distorted cloud

Hardhat + Frontend

We will use Ethers.js to send and receive the data from smart contract that we created using Hardhat.

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Logo of etherscan which is circular and has bar graph in it Plus sign Logo of ethers.js library which looks like distorted cloud

Etherscan + Frontend

We'll explore some contracts at Etherscan, copy their ABI code and then fetch its information in frontend using Ethers.js library.

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Must Read Articles

Logo of Truffle which is sphare in shape, and it has round things covered at a top and little bit in the middle electric sign to denote versus Logo of Hardhat which have hat and logo of Ethereum in it

Truffle vs Hardhat | Which is the best tool to develop smart contract?

Truffle is the oldest tool, which was developed in 2016 by ConsenSys Software Inc., which also developed the most popular crypto wallet, MetaMask. Hardhat is a new tool released in 2019 by the Nomic Foundation and is supported by the Ethereum Foundation. Both are open source and actively maintained. They both have a massive community support.

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Logo of ethers.js library which looks like distorted cloud electric sign to denote versus Logo of web3 in which the text web3 is written in 3D style

Ethers vs Web3 | Which library is the best to connect smart contract with frontend?

Web3.js is the oldest library and still has potential. Ethers.js library has smaller bundle size, user-friendly API structure, extensive and concise documentation, and that it is written in TypeScript. Web3.js is written in node.js and has a comparatively larger bundle size and less extensive documentation than Ethers.js.

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DApp Tutorials

Truffle vs Hardhat | Which is the best tool to develop smart contract?

Truffle vs Hardhat | Which is the best tool to develop smart contract?

Hardhat has error handling and testing tools like console.log method, which we can call from the smart contracts and log in the terminal, but in Truffle, we should write our own events and deal with them to test our contracts.

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Connecting Remix with Ethers.js

Connecting Remix with Ethers.js

We'll connect the smart contract compiled and deployed using Remix IDE with frontend. We’ll use Ethers.js library and code at vanilla JavaScript.

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Future of Smart Contracts and Ethereum

Future of Smart Contracts and Ethereum

This comprehensive article delves into the future of smart contracts and Ethereum, exploring their potential impact on industries and the economy. Learn about the latest developments and advancements in the field, and discover how they can be leveraged...

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